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Upper Darby High School

Class of 1970

Welcome to the online home of our Alumni Community

Tell Your Friends to Update Today!!!!

Hey Everyone - 283 people updated their profiles since we started this in March 2008!!!!   That's 40% of our class list!  Let's set a new goal and get 50% by year-end.  Some of our classmates have interesting stories and photos - take a look.  OR - even better - add your story.  Also - please give us your feedback and updates.  Take a look at the "Remember" page and let us know if we should add some things that we may have "Forgotten....."  

Add comments to your friends' profiles - Yearbook Pictures are now loaded

Visit our Yearbook - The Oak

 Visit the Royal Tribute Memorials page and add your comments to remember our classmates who have passed on.

Make sure you update your profiles and visit the message forum.  Also, please keep your contact information current so we can reach you for future get-togethers!!

Visit us on Facebook, too!!!


 Our Web-Site Privacy Settings 

Please note that there are several ways to ensure your privacy in our web-site.

On your profile page we recommend you check the first box.  This blocks your information from the general public - that is - if you are Googled - only those with a password to our site will have access.

The second and third boxes are at your discretion - check or uncheck as appropriate.

Visit the FAQs/Privacy Policy Link and please contact us if you have any questions -

Patte Marshall - Michel