Edward Seitz

Profile Updated: October 27, 2019
Edward Seitz
Residing In: Costa Rica
Spouse/Partner: Kitty Burke
Occupation: Retired..Pest Control
Children: Jason 1976,, Brian 1978
Yes! Attending Reunion
What is your preferred delivery method for information about the reunion?

E-Mail only (save a stamp and a tree and I promise to keep you updated)


Traveled the world, settled in Costa Rico for several years...now the grandkids are pulling us back !!!!
We are back 2/2016 ,,, in the Poconos
Baby sitting/kid watching every Friday

Edward's Latest Interactions

Edward Seitz updated his profile. View.
Oct 27, 2019 at 6:56 PM
Edward Seitz has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Nov 13, 2014 at 8:33 PM

Skip Tuck was the first real patriot I knew. He was true to his calling. When many of his peers were ' protesting', he followed his heart and words and enlisted in the service. I was truly impressed. I never saw Skip after high school, but judging from the testimonals and comments made here,It was my loss not to have been in his company. RIP